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What Is BARR?

So what is BARR?  BARR is a group of techniques I have developed to help people heal and grow and it stands for Breath, Accept, Release and Repeat.  The main practice, but not the only one it uses is something called emotional releasing. It is a very simple and quick method, but the power and simplicity correlation is unmatched.  It is more cathartic as well, allowing you to change for GOOD rather than constantly reverting back to the same old issues and same old patterns.  It is amazing at removing and releasing the energy behind emotional traumas, poor habits and core beliefs. 


Even though I've had a tumultuous spiritual journey, I learned very quickly that skepticism was necessary and the value of experience was far more than that of words and promises from others.  If one does not experience it, it simply does not exist in their reality except as a concept.  It just can't be integrated into your life, only understood.  BARR provides this experience first hand and does not require any prior education and understanding of meditative practices, yoga, estoeric philosophies, etc.  Anyone can do this and benefit. 


These benefits include healing and/or improving daily living with chronic illnesses (mental and physical), losing weight and creating a better and healthier lifestyle, emotional/spiritual growth to new levels of perception, overall well-being such as calmness/peace/happiness, easier manifestation and more! 


Below I provide a brief synopsis of the method and below that, an example video to emotional releasing where you will release your current emotional state.  This will show the first process we would go through.  The actual and full BARR technique requires you to learn and practice emotional releasing first.  Please accept my apologies for my poor camera work and challenged public speaking :)  Enjoy!

Although BARR and emotional releasing is my main "modality", I might use quite a few other tactics to get you healthy.  But as the topics and understanding of emotional releasing vary from person to person, so too do the supportive and complementary practices.  Everyone has their own path, especially on the spiritual level, which is why I am called the Many Paths Coach.  I've found that a one size fits all strategy is just not as effective, and this is why a true guide is necessary.  The idea that only one path for our whole life time is not realistic for us here in the West.  The idea that one practice that works for one person will work for another is missing the diversity of culture and experience we have in this society.  And this is why courses, seminars, videos, social media... these hold no weight when compared to one on one or group coaching. You need someone outside looking in, someone that can see you for you and what you are trying to fool yourself about.  

About Me
A Seeker's Journey

I have been on a journey since I was 14 (33 years ago)!  One could say I'm a "seeker" and I guess I was born one.  Rather than taking education for face value, I was pushed by my intuition to read Bhagavad Gita at the age of 15.  I began meditating at the age of 18.  It was not easy at the age of 18 in 1995 to find resources on how to meditate so I just... meditated.  I just knew there was more to what I saw and what people around me told me about the world.  This included parents, teachers, friends and other family.  I had no guide and no way of finding one.  When I look back I'm not even sure how I learned much of what I learned.  Ancient texts was all I had, but I guess it was enough.

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Later on I discovered many resources and went on a much deeper and learned journey.  I was still quite secretive of my practices as they were seen, not as taboo necessarily, but rather unusual.  This is before the big holistic, meditation and yoga movement that has recently developed over the last decade.  For me, it was a solo project, save the occassional retreat. 


For a period of a few years I became quite the materialist and ambitious individual, forgetting my purpose and journey as a seeker.  This got me into a bad state, and eventually led me into a dark place.  I don't like using loaded words like depression, I prefer the understanding that we can end up in a very dark place filled with confusion and loss of spirit.  Meditation and spirituality saved my life.


However, with all my spiritual journeys, I did not truly come to heal and grow until I found the methods I teach here.  And many of them, don't really seem very spiritual at all.  But they do give a basis for spiritual growth and in our Western culture, that is a pre-requisite to some extent.  The Eastern cultures and Native American cultures were not poisoned by our media, our mass production of fake food, our emotional traumas and scars, our troubled religions and our Western medicine/education/materialism.  Additionally, spirituality was their priority as opposed to our current priorities in the West... money, control and power.  Today, we need to get out of this fake reality that Western culture has created before we can truly move on to the spiritual.  Otherwise, frustration and sometimes even worse can occur.  It doesn't mean we can't do it in tandem, but trying to grow spiritually without first or at least including resolving emotional and physical levels is not the best idea.


So what I bring to you my friends, is 30+ years of trial and error.  Thirty years of facing the darkness, the shadows, the traumas and pains in ways that were very difficult.  And because of these struggles I am able to provide some methods and techniques that can help you grow and heal quickly and without so much pain and suffering.  These methods can heal most things because our ailments stem from stuck emotions and stress (stress is another loaded word these days but we will get clarity later on).


Let's go on this journey of healing and growth together.  And let's have fun on the way delighting, in our end to ailments!


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